Strategic Solution Management

Optimize your Cybersecurity Technology Investments

Extend Your Team

Attain the desired outcomes and efficacy from your cybersecurity investments

Foresite’s Strategic Solution Management services deliver 24/7 expertise to optimize and operationalize your investments in crucial technology. Consider us an integral part of your team, guaranteeing access to skilled resources whenever you need them, freeing your team to concentrate on strategic business initiatives.

Build Effective, Efficient, Comprehensive Cybersecurity Operations with Foresite Cybersecurity


Strengthen your security posture and safeguard your digital assets with our comprehensive firewall full or co-management solutions.


Opt for your own licensing or explore Foresite’s cost-effective managed SaaS solutions, encompassing all licensing and management within a comprehensive turnkey package


Organizations must invest in robust email security solutions and practices to mitigate risks and effectively combat evolving cyber threats in today’s digital world.

Why Foresite for your Strategic Solution Management?

Outsourcing cybersecurity management brings numerous benefits to those facing resource constraints or seeking to enhance their security posture.

Access to Expertise

Cybersecurity requires specialized knowledge and expertise to navigate the complex landscape of threats, vulnerabilities, and technologies. Outsourcing to Foresite grants access to a team of skilled professionals with diverse backgrounds and experience in combating cyber threats effectively.


Building an in-house cybersecurity team can be prohibitively expensive, requiring significant investments in recruitment, training, salaries, and ongoing education. Outsourcing cybersecurity management allows organizations to access top-tier security expertise at a fraction of the cost of maintaining a full-time staff.

24/7 Monitoring & Response

Cyber threats can emerge at any time, requiring constant vigilance and rapid response to mitigate risks effectively. Foresite provides around-the-clock monitoring and incident response capabilities, ensuring that potential threats are identified and addressed promptly, even outside of regular business hours.

Scalability and Flexibility

Outsourcing cybersecurity management provides the flexibility to scale their security operations up or down based on evolving organization needs and security requirements. Whether it’s expanding into new markets, adopting new technologies, or responding to changing threat landscapes, outsourcing offers scalability without the burden of hiring and training additional staff.

Focus on Core Competencies

By entrusting cybersecurity management to Foresite, organizations can focus on their core business activities without being distracted by the complexities of security operations. This allows for greater efficiency, productivity, and innovation, ultimately driving growth and success.

Risk Mitigation

By leveraging Foresite’s expertise and resources, organizations can mitigate the risks associated with cyber threats more effectively. Outsourcing can help identify vulnerabilities, implement proactive security measures, and develop robust incident response plans to minimize the impact of potential security breaches.

Access to Advanced Technologies

Cybersecurity is a rapidly evolving field, with new threats and technologies emerging regularly. Outsourcing cybersecurity management grants access to state-of-the-art security technologies, tools, and methodologies that may be cost-prohibitive to acquire and maintain in-house.

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

Many industries are subject to stringent regulatory requirements and compliance standards related to data protection and cybersecurity. Outsourcing cybersecurity management to Foresite with expertise in regulatory compliance can help companies navigate these complex requirements and ensure adherence to relevant laws and regulations.

Elevate Your Security Monitoring and Alerting with Provision Packages

At the heart of every tailored ProVision bundled package lies our Security Information and Event Management capability, delivering unparalleled cyber visibility throughout organizations’ networks. This empowers swift issue identification, accelerates remediation efforts, and facilitates informed business decision-making.

ProVision Essential >

Get started with Foresite
24x7x365 cybersecurity monitoring and alerting for companies vigilant about preventing breaches.

ProVision Advanced >

Propel your Cybersecurity
Advanced, continuous threat hunting, and managed detection and response empower modern cybersecurity management success.

ProVision Complete >

Turn-key SOC-as-a-Service
Comprehensive cybersecurity, risk, and compliance functions are fulfilled for companies requiring turn-key results.

Customer’s Rated Foresite Cybersecurity's ProVison Platform 4.9/5 Stars

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Recognized for Customer Trust and Satisfaction

Related Resources


What you need to know– CrowdStrike vs Other FIM Vendors


Foresite Cybersecurity Partners with Crowdstrike


CrowdStrike Legacy AV Replacement


Why Do You Need MDR?


Firewall Management Datasheet

Ready to Get Started?

Contact us today and a Foresite representative will be in touch to help you achieve Faster, Easier, Smarter Security & Compliance operations.
