What is Cyber Security as a Service (CSaaS)

When you think about information technology implementation and support, the optimal solution is often the combination of internal resource(s) who know the business, the culture, and the current technologies and controls and an outside resource who specializes in the specific need – firewall migration, moving from on-premise to cloud solutions or even day-to-day help desk requests from staff. This is where a CSaaS can come in handy.

Cyber Security as a Service (CSaaS) brings the same benefits by allowing an organization to have access to multiple cybersecurity resources with different areas of expertise.  It’s near impossible to find a single resource who has the training and experience in everything from how to test to identify vulnerabilities, web application security, how to be both secure and meet any applicable industry compliance requirements, how to detect cyber security threats, and how to respond to all types of cyber threats.  Even if you were able to find (and afford) this ideal resource to be your CIO/CISO, they would never be available to you 24/7 or be able to be focused in all of those areas at the same time.


Cybersecurity as a Service


Cyber security and IT implementations and support should also have a Separation of Duties (SoD). The concept of SoD became even more relevant when regulatory mandates such as Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) were enacted. SoD, as it relates to security, has two primary objectives. The first is the prevention of conflict of interest (real or apparent), abuse, and errors. The second is the detection of control failures that include security breaches, information theft, and circumvention of security controls. Correct SoD is designed to ensure that individuals don’t have conflicting responsibilities or are not responsible for reporting on themselves or their superiors. Another benefit of multiple resources is the discussion that takes place when there is more than one way to meet a control or solve a problem.  The resolution that comes out of multiple perspectives and experiences is usually better than what either resource could have achieved on their own.

For more about CSaaS and adding this layer can better protect you from threats, visit our site.

Tracy Fox
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