Cyber Threat Intelligence

Recognize and respond to high-priority threats with actionable cyber threat intelligence

Organizations continue to fight an asymmetric battle against cyber attackers. Attackers are sophisticated, well-funded, and well-organized, and they use highly targeted techniques that leave technology-only security strategies exposed. To stop attackers, organizations need to understand them – how they think, how they work, and what they want.

But most organizations rely on legacy, signature-based intelligence feeds that provide a false sense of safety. These programs cannot help anticipate attacks or guide responses. They often simply increase alert volumes with false positives, wasting security analysts’ time, increasing the complexity of the security environment, and making attacks impossible to manage.

Cyberthreat intelligence, when used correctly, can help defenders detect attacks during — and ideally before — a potentially damaging threat.

Foresite’s Threat Intelligence solution gives us comprehensive view of the web and mobile frontiers, monitoring 9M+ websites and 141+ mobile app stores daily, adding more site and app store crawls continually.

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Customized detection, policies, and mitigation

In addition to detecting instances of malware and other online threats to an organization, we enable our customers to create their own policies to detect instances that may bring the organization out of compliance. Multiple built-in and external enforcement options are available to mitigate or remediate incidents we discover.

The Foresite Threat Intelligence solution provides your organization capabilities that include web-scale crawling and analysis. We have been gathering data on malware, exploits, malvertisements, and mobile app stores since 2009, and this historical data allows our customers to proactively defend against threats to their customers and employees.

Protect your business from cyber threats

Download our datasheet to learn how Foresite can help your business withstand the rigorous challenges of data hacks, advanced malware, and other cyber attacks.
