OWASP Top 10: Injection

woman at computers

Photo credit: cottonbro Since the OWASP Top 10 was first introduced in 2003, injection has been prominently ranked with OWASP featuring it as the number one security risk to web applications

OWASP Top 10 – #4 Insecure Design

laptop web design

When considering the security of a website or application, design is often overlooked. After all, it isn’t a traditional vulnerability. But the hesitancy to accept the design process as one

OWASP Top 10 – Security Misconfigurations

Credit: Luke Peters Whether you’re a startup or Fortune 500 company, security misconfigurations will always be a topic of discussion in the security world. Security misconfigurations, the number 5 on

OWASP Top 10: #6 Vulnerable and Outdated Components

man at computer developing web app

There are significant advantages to using components from a third-party in your application code, including a huge increase in the development speed, increased application stability and perhaps most importantly to
